Susie Metzger
TERM: 12/16/2022-12/30/2025
Pledge to Clients: I love Manson and the Manson School District. I will continue working to create a positive learning environment in all schools. Parents, teachers, students and the School Board all provide important roles in making Manson a wonderful district and I want to be supportive of that effort. Every student matters and I want students to strive towards high achievement and to reach their full potential. I am a woman of my word and I want to be transparent in my new role on the Board. Manson schools are the heart of our community and I’m proud to represent them.
Professional Experience: I graduated from Manson School District (a few years ago). I have taught for 33+ years throughout Washington State. I have been an assistant principal for a couple of years and bring vast experience within the different districts on improving schools and school structures.
Education: I have my Bachelors in Ed from EWU, Masters from Gonzaga and my principal’s credentials from GU
Outside Interests: I am in charge of the grieving ministry and am an usher/ greeter for Northshore Bible Church. I also serve as the Apple Blossom secretary. I love to sew, read and spend time outside.
Personal Information: Marty Fox and I were married for 5 years. I was married to my late husband, Mike Stuivenga, for 30 years. I have 3 children and 9 grandchildren. I strongly believe in our Constitution and I am proud to be an American.
Position: Board Member, Director Area #4-At Large
Term: 12/16/2022-12/30/2025
Contact Phone: 509.467.8075