The Manson School District participates in the National School Breakfast & Lunch Program. You may apply for Free / Reduced meals at any time during the school year. Applications are provided by the Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Applications are available in your school office or the Food Service office.
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Did You Know?
Family Access (Skyward) can be used to do the following things:
Check Meal Account activity
Check Meal Account balance
We offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables every day for lunch.
Students are required to take a full serving for their meal to be considered reimbursable/complete.
We do not serve any fried foods. All meal items are oven-baked.
All of our bread items are 51% Whole Grain.
Our menu items meet or exceed Federal USDA nutrition standards.
The milk we serve is either fat-free or 1%.
Our priority is to offer a well-balanced nutritional meal each day for your student. Ultimately, though, it is up to them to choose. Students who learn to make wise choices will benefit in many ways, now and in the future!