RaeAnne England
RaeAnne England
Pledge to Clients: Young minds are exciting to work with. I love seeing learning going on in the classroom in all areas. It should be fun, interactive, and hands on. I want to meet all students’ needs in academics, social and emotional arenas. My classroom will hopefully be a place every student feels cared for.
Education: I graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor in Elementary Education. A few years later I received my Master’s Degree in Teaching from Grand Canyon University.
Professional Experience: I have taught almost 19 years in Manson. Fourteen years in fifth grade, four and a half years in first grade.
Outside Interest: Quilting, reading and grandchildren fill any extra time I may have.
Personal Information: My husband, Dale, and I have six children. They are all out on their own so we enjoy traveling around to see our eight grandchildren.
Position: 1st Grade Teacher
Phone: 687-9502
Fax: 687-9537
Email: rengland@manson.org