• spartan Manson Middle School

    Home of the Spartans

    1000 Totem Pole Rd.

    Manson, WA 98831


  •       hirel Dr. Heather Ireland,

       Middle School Principal

    Welcome to Manson Middle School

    Our schools are focused on creating a safe, caring environment where all students can learn. Our goal is for each student to meet or exceed high academic achievement standards and become a responsible citizen.

    The Manson faculty and staff are highly qualified, dedicated professionals who welcome parents and community members to become partners in their effort to achieve excellence.

    We are proud of our programs, our achievements and our students. Please become involved in Manson Schools. Your support and interest are appreciated.







    Contact Us


    School Hours
    Mondays - 9:30 AM until 3:15 PM
    Tuesdays through Fridays - 8:30 AM until 3:15 PM




    Commons Area

    The commons area is available before school and at lunchtime to eat, visit with friends or study.


    Food Service

    School breakfasts and lunches are served daily for a nominal fee in the cafeteria. Breakfast/lunch deposits may be given to the school secretary before school in the main office. Regular prices - breakfast/$1.50, lunch/$2.40.



    Students are not permitted use of the office phone behind the corner without permission. However, students who are ill will be allowed to call home from the office.


    Closed Campus

    A student may not leave the school campus any time during the school day unless he/she is excused by the school office and has parent/guardian permission. Parents/guardians are requested to sign their student in or out of school any time the student returns or leaves during the school day.


    School Accident/Athletic Insurance

    The Manson School District has made available an optional student accident insurance policy which offers both school or full-time coverage. ExcelServ Insurance Group provides this insurance coverage. Insurance information and option brochures can be obtained from the office.


    Student Fees

    Athletic Fee $10 each season of sports (paid before 1st athletic practice)
    Annual (optional) September to November $28 w/ASB, $33 without
       December to February $30 w/ASB, $35 without
       March to June $35 w/ASB, $40 without
    Band Instrument Fee $50 (paid or signed contract before instrument given)
    Band and Choir Uniform $6.50 (dry cleaning)
    P.E. Uniforms $13