Governance Policies: "Governing with Purpose"
PLEASE NOTE: New Governance Policies are being added to this page. For a copy of our new policies that have not yest been uploaded, please contact the District Office at (509) 687-3140.
In March 2004, the Manson School District Board of Directors adopted governance policies which identify the values it holds for itself and the organization. These policies are intended to promote governance which will allow the Board to increase its focus on organizational end results for student achievement, set clear performance expectations for staff, monitor results, and facilitate Board interaction with community members to promote better understanding of their values to guide the Board in its representative role.
This effort provides the Board, on behalf of the people it represents, a policy-based model which ensures the organization achieves what it should and avoids what is unacceptable. It moves the Board's focus to shaping and setting policy that clearly defines organizational vision and expectations. It provides high expectations for both results and behaviors and improves oversight to ensure appropriate progress and compliance with the Board values. In this way, the Board can increase the likelihood that each student in the Manson School District will meet or exceed high academic achievement standards and become a responsible citizen. It clearly defines roles for the Board and the Superintendent, sets clear expectations for student outcomes and Superintendent and staff performance, creates a system of accountability with scheduled monitoring of performance using valid evidence, and established connections with the community through regular focus group meetings.What is it?
The governance policies focus the Board's emphasis on organizational vision and student achievement. Governance policies have been developed in four areas:Ends
Executive Limitations
Governance Process
Board-Superintendent RelationsENDS
These policies define the end results desired for our students and what they are expected to know and be able to do as a result of their educational experience. Ends policies require full involvement by the community through continual communication and reflect community values. Ends policies are based on the Manson School District Student Profile, which was developed through extensive community involvement and conversation.
Ends Policies
These policies state the limitations imposed by the Board, on the strategies and methods the Superintendent and his or her staff may use as they work to achieve the specified outcomes identified in the Ends Policies. They establish the boundaries and operating expectations for staff.
The Superintendent will not cause or allow any practice, activity, decision, or organizational circumstance which is either unlawful, imprudent or in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics and practices.
Executive Limitations PoliciesGOVERNANCE PROCESS
These policies define how the Board will operate internally and govern itself to add value to the district. These policies address the Board's own culture, how it will conduct business, and how members will conduct themselves and interact with each other.
The purpose of the Board, on behalf of the Manson Community, is to assure that the Manson School District:(a) achieves appropriate results for individual students at an appropriate cost (as specified in Board Ends policies), and;
(b) avoids unacceptable actions and situations (as prohibited in Board Executive Limitations policies).Governance Process Policies
These policies describe the delegation of authority by the Board to its Superintendent and clarify the relationship between the two. Organizational performance is considered to be identical to Superintendent performance.
The Board's sole official connection to the operational organization, its achievements and conduct will be through the School District Superintendent.
Board/Superintendent Linkage PoliciesEXECUTIVE EXPECTATIONS
Executive Expectations Policies
Executive Expectations V a Learning Environment
Executive Expectations V b Instructional Programs